Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4 - Tower of Babel, Abram and Lot

January 4  - Genesis 11:1-26; I Chronicles 1:24-27; Genesis 11:27-31; Genesis 12:14-24

Before I move on to Genesis chapter 11, as much as I dislike reading genealogies, I think it is worth mentioning that chapter 10 is often called the “Table of Nations.”  The emphasis is on the common family of humanity from Adam, through Noah and his sons. Distinct “races” is not a concept recognized in the pages of Scripture. The only race, is the human race, descended from one ancestor. God made and loves each nation. What an affront it is to God, when any of us act superior over another, based on the color of their skin or ethnicity.

Okay, moving on…
After the flood, Noah’s sons had many children. Ham’s son Cush was the ancestor of Nimrod.  “Cush was also the ancestor of Nimrod, who was the first heroic warrior on earth. Since he was the greatest hunter in the world, his name became proverbial. People would say, “This man is like Nimrod, the greatest hunter in the world.”  He built his kingdom in the land of Babylonia, Genesis 10:8-10a

Nimrod’s name means “rebel.” He was the founder of the Babylonian Empire and the organizer that led to the construction of the Tower of Babel. God had commanded the people to replenish and be scattered over the face of the whole earth. Instead, they set out to make a name for themselves.
In response, the God-head held a conference (“Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with different languages”), making it impossible for them to work together. Have you ever tried to explain what you want done to someone who doesn’t know a bit of English? You basically get a shrug and a blank stare. What the people considered their greatest strength, God was swift to destroy. Their biggest fear, to be scattered, came naturally upon them. “The fears of the wicked will be fulfilled…” Proverbs 10:24a

Now is a good time to introduce the doctrine of The Trinity. The word Trinity is never mentioned in the Bible,. However, to date, this is the third time in our readings where it is implied.
“Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. Genesis 1:26a
Then the Lord God said, “Look, the human beings have become like us, knowing both good and evil.” Genesis 3:2a

Then comes Abram. Descended from the family of Shem, one of Noah’s sons, he is married to Sarai, who is unable to bear children. Abram lives in the land of Ur of the Caldeans, with his father Terah, and his nephew Lot. Heading for Canaan, they settle in Haran. It is here in Haran, that the Lord called Abram. In Genesis 12:1-3, God forms the Abrahamic Covenant. Here is a map of Abraham's Journey.

There is so much to write about Abraham, but this blog has gotten a bit long today, so I’ll incorporate it into tomorrows. Meanwhile, I think we can all be thinking about what it means to step out of our comfort zones like Abraham was called to.

Be Blessed…and stay tuned

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