It was yesterday, January 1, 2011, that I decided to go through the One Year Bible again. I had done this before, but mostly, having participated and taught at Community Bible Study, an in-depth study for 21 years, I spent my time with the Scripture at hand. I have to admit, I did try to tack on the One Year several different times over the years, but always failed to keep up. I have chosen the One Year Chronological Bible to read for three reasons. 1. I bought it two years ago and so it is sitting on my shelf. 2. Although I have studied the Bible for many years, I have a poor memory for historical dates and such, so reading through a general timeline, particularly in the Old Testament, will help me to place prophets and kings once again in their proper places in history. 3. Reading the whole Bible as a single story is unique, in that the reader can see God's plan unfold through the pages of history.
Early this morning, after reading the Scripture for the day, and after getting numerous facebook feedback regarding my commitment, I felt compelled to blog about it. This mornings service at Walnut Hill Community Church, was more confirmation, when our pastor, Clive Calver, encouraged us to deeper disciplines with the Lord, one being the reading of the One Year Bible. Blogging won't be easy, I know, but it is giving me much needed focus to be in God's Word more deeply again, and the practice and vulnerability of putting my thoughts into words. Another paradox exists, because God is in the business of transforming us into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. He often uses His Word as an instrument of growth, to bend, mold, purify, and if need be, to break us, until we reflect back His beautiful image. The good news is that God is for us and He believes in all we can become when we allow Him to work through us!
As of now, I am still learning how to use this blogger, so I am not quite sure how this is going to work. I might write daily on some occasions, or only a few times a week lumping several readings into one. Most likely, along the way, I will throw in some random recipes, family escapades, garden and chicken chronicles, and personal reflections. They will make a good diversion when I am stumped with the text, or get bored with Leviticus. So pick up your Bible and journey with me through The One Year Chronological Bible. If you don't have one, you can follow along here...
I would love to hear your thoughts as we travel The Ground To Grow On.
Be Blessed...and Stay tuned!
Sounds like a great spiritual challenge & fun too...joining you on the journey!